Being chock full of generalist experience, we can turn our hands to all sorts of business services, whether that be administration, project management, documentation creation, and all sorts inbetween. We also have access to a wide range of specialists, so if we're not comfortable completing your tasks ourselves, we have masses of experience to call upon.
If you have a project or task that has been sitting on your desk for months, why not hand it over? If you have an urgent task, but no-one else to do it for you, why not get in touch?
Call us on 07761 500535 or use the CONTACT FORM
We've run multiple projects and have picked up a large set of skills in research, tendering, writing procedures, managing staff, procuring materials, and delivering on site. Happy to be on the tools as well
Also in our back pocket are online and digital projects, lauching crowdfundingcampaigns and online shopping businesses. Happy days.
Should you need some assistance operationally day to day in your business, maybe to assist with a project, or some training, or do some research, maybe even supervise a go-live event, we're the team that can help you.
We've assisted a local company in their internal office move, from one floor ro another, and looked after the social media activity of another.
We written many a Business Plan and Pitch Deck over the years, from a vintage clothing business to a boutique Contract Manufacturing Organisation and a pipework installation business.
We know what needs to go in there and what it needs to read, feel, and look like. After all, a Business Plan is crucial to gain funding and to keep your business on track.
Who doesn't love a nice neat document, with excellent spelling, and decent punctuation and grammar?
We do, and we love attention to detail but also consistency, conciseness, and brevity. We're also fond of a thesaurus.
We have created suites of technical documentation and test certification for a Welsh fabrication company.
KPIs and SOPs
When some see the acronym KPI they say 'yawn', when we see it we see an opportunity to make them relevant, measurable, with processes backing them up efficient and time focused.
You can't fatten a pig by weighing it, so we won't create you a KPI suite that requires lots of time spent measuring activities, but one that will give you the information you require.
Cashflow is King. Never a truer word said, aside from 'you get what you pay for' or 'make mine a double'.
We can take a look at your suppliers, your processes, and your staff. We have created stock control forms for a Cardiff engineering company resulting in a 12% reduction in stock values held, freeing up that vital cashflow to develop the business further.